Hey everyone!
Here are a few apps and websites that I think you all will enjoy. If you do decide to do any of the activities please get your parents permission first, and then share your experience with me for extra credit.
To say that we have a lot of trivia would be an understatement. FunTrivia has over 1,000,000 trivia questions in 10,000 categories, created by over 30,000 different visitors to this site, from over 100 countries around the world. Over 1.6 million registered members and 6,000,000 guests have played a quiz. If you're looking for trivia or quizzes, you've come to the right place!
Here are a few apps and websites that I think you all will enjoy. If you do decide to do any of the activities please get your parents permission first, and then share your experience with me for extra credit.
Welcome to FunTrivia.com, the world's largest and oldest trivia website, running as an online community since 1994!
We are a thriving community, where players from around the world compete as individuals and in teams.
Membership to FunTrivia is free, and as a member you may play and create as many games as you wish in any of our categories. Whether you want to challenge yourself, learn about new topics, or let your creativity loose by creating quizzes for anyone in the world to play, you will find something to entertain you.
We do have a special membership which we call Gold Membership. This is an optional 6-month subscription that will give you a set of cool features and conveniences. Click here for more information.
The most popular board game ever created and the most popular television gameshow ever created were based on trivia -- and it's no surprise why! Trivia entertains, challenges, and enlightens all at the same time. We hope you enjoy your stay at FunTrivia!
From Sudoku, to chess, to the image quiz, this free website has it all. If you are looking for a game to exercise some grey cells, check them out.
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